Stakeholders’ Perception of the Independence of Public Sector Auditors in Nigeria
This study is an endeavor to investigate the extent to which public sector audit independence was achieved and how it was achieved in Nigeria. The emphases were on the three significant aspect of independence (investigative independence, reporting independence and financial independence) which were used in formulating the three hypotheses that guided the study. By means of survey design, the study relied on primary data obtained through a well-structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 96 respondents randomly selected from the population for the study. Employing both descriptive and inferential statistics for the analysis, it was observed that a high level of independence was maintained by the public sector auditors in Nigeria. Similarly, the results of the inferential statistic revealed that there is likelihood of quality audit assignment where investigative independence, reporting independence and financial independence of auditor general is guaranteed. It is therefore appropriate for the legislature to put in place necessary machinery to promote the independence of the auditor general at all level of governance if the objectives of providing transparent and responsible government will be achieved.
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