Evaluate the Profitability in Commercial Bank - Comparative Study of Indian and Jordanian Banks

  • Ali Mahmoud Alrabei


Banks and financial institutions are the backbone of the economy of the country everywhere, in India, Jordan and all over the world. Profitability is one of the major criteria for evaluating the performance of a bank; the present study is confined to the State Bank of India (SBI) and Cairo Amman Bank (CAB), Jordan. The period of study is from 2006-07 to 2010-11. It has to be noted that the accounting year of SBI is from April to March while in the case of CAB the accounting year starts from 1st Jan and ends on 31st Dec. There are two sources of date i.e. primary data and secondary data. The primary data is original in nature. The primary data has been collected through personal interviews with the officials of the banks. The secondary data have been collected through published annual reports, magazine and internet. Mainly the present study is based on the secondary data. The study finding the State Bank of India should try to control the cost of services rendered to increase the gross profit, and the Cairo Amman Bank should try to increase the number of branches at global level also.

Author Biography

Ali Mahmoud Alrabei

Dr- Ali Alrabei, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Business, Jadara University, Jordan.

Research Articles