Corporate Restructuring and Investment

  • Dr. Alhassan Ndekugri Allen University, Columbia South Carolina


Corporate Restructuring looked the strategies employed by managers and leaders of a corporation in times of performance decline to put the corporation back to its normalcy. It is of no doubt that a good performing corporation motivate people to invest. This Research was conducted to investigate how the participants as investor and potential investors want from their Corporate managers and leaders in terms of putting the corporation in good shape. This research Used a survey technique and data was analyzed using SPSS and Excel software. The results showed that there was a relationship between Corporate previous performance and investment decision, at a p-values of 0.779 and 1.000 respectively, which was greater than the significance level of 0.05 we failed to reject the null hypothesis and concluded both Corporate previous performance and Corporate location may have an influence on investors decision making.

Author Biography

Dr. Alhassan Ndekugri, Allen University, Columbia South Carolina

Assistant Professor 

Department of Business

Research Articles